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Record Books
All exhibitors who exhibit an animal project for the livestock sale must complete a record book for every species they will sell (including dairy). Poultry, rabbits and cavies will NOT being doing record books. Instead, they will be doing an educational poster.
All horse exhibitors must complete a horse record book. Other exhibitors who show breeding stock or pets are strongly encouraged to complete a record book to help them learn more about their projects but they are not required.
Dairy - Junior
Dairy - Intermediate
Dairy - Senior
Educational Poster Guidelines
These are to be done for poultry and rabbit/cavy.
Standard size poster board 22 x 28
Must have name and exhibitor number on front of poster
Hand Written
Must have:
Illustrations with descriptions (illustrations can be done by hand or pictures that are cut and pasted, but descriptions need to be hand written)
Factual information
Graded on: presentation and factual accuracy
Topics as listed below by Age Division
Senior Poultry - Biosecurity Topic
Intermediate Poultry - Feed & Nutrition Topic
Junior Poultry - Egg Life Cycles Topic
Senior Rabbit/Cavy - Genetics or Production
Intermediate Rabbit/Cavy - Diseases or Nutrition
Junior Rabbit/Cavy - Showmanship or Anatomy
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